Maikop State Technological University
Status: State University
Abbreviation: MSTU
Phone 8(8772)52-30-08
Address Str. Pervomayskaya 191, 352700, Maikop, Republic of Adygeya, Russia,
Contact Person Saida Kuizheva (Rector),
Valeriy Akatov Aslan Shkhapatsev
Consequences of isolation of subalpine meadow communities in the Western Caucasus: Reduction of species richness without the density compensation effect
Relationship between dominance and local species richness: An analysis of the underlying reasons with arboreal and avian communities of the West Caucasus as an example
The Relationship between Local Species Richness and Species Pool: A Case Study from the High Mountains of the Greater Caucasus
Compensation reactions to the reduction of density of dominants in forest stands of the Western Caucasus
Relative competitive capacity of adventive plants in herbaceous phytocenosis of the Western Caucasus
The role of historical processes in determining tree species richness in the forests of Western Caucasus
Evolutionary saturation of species pool in present high mountain plant communities of Western Caucasus
Changes in the upper limits of tree species distribution in the Western Caucasus (Belaya River basin) related to recent climate warming
Density compensation effect in arboreal communities of the West Caucasus
Decade-Long Soil Changes After the Clear Felling in Forests of the North-Western Caucasus Mountains