CMF 2019
Detailed Programme for CMF2019 can be found here.
Day 1: 30 October, 2019
8:00 – 9:00
9:00 – 10:45
Opening Session
Welcoming Speeches
Caucasus Regional Research Agenda Presentation
Thematic Session 1: Demographic trends in mountain settlements
Thematic Session 2: Socio-economic aspects of mountain development I
Thematic Session 3: Water resources
Thematic Session 4: Ecosystem conservation and ecosystem-based solutions
Thematic Session 5: Sociopolitical dimensions of regional development
Plenary Session 1: Climate change
Thematic Session 6: Climate change I
Thematic Session 7: Education for Sustainable Development
Thematic Session 8: Pollution and safety
WORKSHOP 1: Natural disasters
Thematic Session 9: Mountain development prospects and local population identity
Day 2: 31 October, 2019
Plenary Session 2: Management of mountain ecosystem services
Thematic Session 10: Landscape transformation
Thematic Session 11: Tourism footprint
Thematic Session 12: Biodiversity
WORKSHOP 2: Role of Universities in sustainable development
Plenary session 3: Sustainable Tourism
Thematic Session 13: Natural disasters I
Thematic Session 14: Sustainable Energy
Thematic Session 15: Climate change impacts on biodiversity
Caucasus SDI
Day 3: 1 November, 2019
Thematic Session 16: Natural disasters II
Thematic Session 17: Rural Development in Mountain Regions
Thematic Session 18: Climate change II
Thematic Session 19: Tourism potential in mountain regions
Thematic Session 20: Socio-economic aspects of mountain development II
11:15– 13:15
Poster session
14:00– 15:15
Closing session:
Posters award
Approval of Cauasus Regional Research Agenda