Proposal Writing Workshop

1 December 2016

Tbilisi State University 1st Building, Room Nr. 101


Facilitators       Jörg Balsiger, University of Geneva

Robert Atkinson, Sustainable Caucasus



The workshop was organized in the context of the SCOPES institutional partnership project “Supporting Sustainable Mountain Development in the Caucasus,” with funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Under the overall coordination of the University of Geneva, the project's goals were to support the scientific institutions that have created the Scientific Network for the Caucasus Mountain Region (SNC-mt) in their efforts to contribute to the structural development and modernization of research and teaching, increase their attractiveness and international competitiveness by improving basic overall conditions, and link research outcomes to development practice.


Target audience

As an activity under the project's work package on young scholar promotion, the proposal writing workshop was primarily targeted at postgraduate and early-career scientists. Due to the general applicability of many proposal writing principles, the workshop was also of interest to practitioners in the public and non-governmental sectors.


Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop, participants were able to:

  • Differentiate between proposal types and recognize core proposal elements
  • Understand the proposal cycle, from conception to notification
  • Design and implement an effective and efficient proposal writing strategy
  • Identify international funding sources



09:00    Welcome, Introduction and Workshop overview

09:30    Session 1: Navigating the world of proposals

10:30     Break

11:00    Session 2: Crafting proposals for an audience

12:30   Lunch

13:30    Session 3: Successful proposal writing

14:45    Break

15:00    Session 4: Funding sources

15:45   Conclusions

16:00   Closing



 CMF2016 - Proposal Writing Workshop - Presentation